PMI Erie August Chapter Meeting
Presentation title: PMI Culture and Impact of Membership & Volunteering
Presentation Overview: Culture matters. It makes the difference between wanting to be in the room and wanting to be anywhere else. Come learn PMI’s new Culture Values, and see how being a PMI member and volunteering for the PMI Erie Chapter can make an impact on your career, by learning specific Power Skills!
Speaker Bio:
Sarah Maxwell is a PMI chapter engagement partner, working with PMI chapter leadership to enhance the chapters’ value to their members.
Sarah believes, like the NASA janitor who helped to put a man on the Moon, that supporting PMI’s chapters is important to helping make the world a better place.
Sarah is a trained singer, actress, costumer, and massage therapist. She is an avid facilitator, and was honored to be chosen by PMI as one of two staff to attend TED2019 in Vancouver. She is the current VP Education and co-founder of PMI’s Toastmaster Club, PMI Speaks.
Sarah holds a Bachelor of Arts in Theater Arts from George Mason University.
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